In-house Workshop-Lab
Dramaturgy: Choreographic Miniatures
This workshop-laboratory starts from the given choreographic scores towards the structuring of improvisational dance scores, enabling the compositional development of the movement, dramaturgy and music. The Tango universe is the information source for this practice. Dance participants can work individually, in groups, or in duos. The Tango universe is the information source for this practice.
Choreographic Miniatures workshop-lab is a captivating practice where new dancers, movers, and musicians without Tango background can be introduced or initiated in the spirit of the dramaturge, as well as those dancers who acknowledge Gabriela Zuarez’s previous practices can evolve new creative endeavours in share with the group. Participants can work individually, in groups, or duos.
Warm-up routines and techniques will be offered as an introduction to the practice.
The 2024 workshop-lab series aims to continue the development of Gabriela Zuarez’s dance language into the ensemble involving the dancer’s participation.
The practice is planned as a 3-day activity, full-time modality in the week 19 to 24 November in Amsterdam. Limited places. There is a first introductory meeting to be held online before the workshop-lab starts. The exact dates and studios are to be announced when the candidate is registered.
Questions? Contact us