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+31 (0) 20 737 2533


The brand name Sur Mundo Ensemble, and the associated theater productions, dance and educational services come under the board of the foundation Dance-Theater Development [DTD stg] in The Netherlands.

KVK 32124295 | IBAN: NL64RABO 0309 9468 83 BIC RABONL2U | Amsterdam, NL | Polices | Stichting report.

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“This dance residence was a beautiful experience for me. It meant to dive into the explorative expression together with the cast of dancers during the entire choreographic process”

Vicky Matcha,
Buenos Aires 2019

“…to understand the choreographer’s embodiment and to transport that into your own body accomplishing all that it means. I would highly recommend the experience of this residence…”

Myfanwy Spannaus,
Buenos Aires, 2019

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Our Company
Residences and Practices

Sur Mundo Ensemble is the home of a cross-cultural dance theater community, whereas the Tango is the alphabet of our theatre making and staging. This contemporary company works primarily with dancing, movement, physical action, and music. We also use film and documentation.The Tango in all its extension means, in my dramaturgical conception, a performative embodiment, and the heart where the choreographic writings and theatrical construction line up.

Whether Sur Mundo artists’ group or me, the highlighted value is that we create meaning out of the dance making and out of the music created, that we make sense of creating theater, that we raise intelligence in our audiences, and last but not least, that we build community and human bonds beyond any expectation about the audiences. The latter is the main core of theatre.

Those dancers, performers, and tangueros…eager to explore, and learn about Sur Mundo Ensemble’s identity…and willing to contribute to the performative processes of the company are welcome to apply to our practices, labs, and residences in Buenos Aires or Amsterdam!

Gabriela Zuarez