Programmer & Curator

Da Capo / Kicked-off & Launched
It is now ready to be programmed and be programmed!
DA CAPO is an Interactive Dance-Concert Installation performance… It stages a video-documentary installation intimately transgressed by the performative group synergy of the dancers, the musician, and the filmmaker through dance-music improvisation, choreography, tango interventions, and video jams. The audience is completely immersed in the performance.
DA CAPO is designed to be performed in theatres, dance halls and non-traditional theatrical venues. As a piece, it is also very suitable for experimental/site-specific events and intercultural festival organizers. It has been performed at the venue of De Duif as well as at the Perdu Theatre in Amsterdam.
DA CAPO is open to sharing programs with other casts and can be combined with other social events, such as pre/post-show activities.
Therefore, Sur Mundo Ensemble can offer a Performance + Plus package with additional audience activities. here, you can read the DA CAPO publicity and watch the latest trailer at Perdu Theatre Amsterdam.